Happy Memorial Day!!! I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday. My holiday began very early this morning. It's the morning of the BolderBoulder 10k Race. I can't believe it, I made it to my first race day. Coming to this day wasn't easy. I ran into a major set back after my run on Friday. I will admit that I over pushed myself too close to race day. I ran 3 miles on Friday and that was just too much so close to a long race. To make a long story short, I pulled my hammy on the back of my right leg. It wasn't good. Saturday I was very sore and loaded up on asprin and Icy Hot. I was so sure that I had ruined my chance to run on Monday. As Sunday came along, the pain and muscle tightness had decreased and I decided that I was going to move forward and run the race.
My morning began at 6am. My husband went with me to the race to be my support on the sidelines. We opted out of driving to Boulder and the painful task of finding a parking spot. Instead, we bought race bus tickets. The bus picked us up in Longmont, dropped us off 3 blocks from the start line and picked us up post race- 3 blocks from the finish line. This is so easy!!! I don't know why more people don't take the bus.
This year's race had 91 start waves. I was half way in the pack of waves - NA group with a start time 8:45am. As we all know, things rarely start on time. This was the case with my wave. After getting in my wave line headed to the start line, I noticed we were about 6 minute behind our original start time. I'm feeling great despite my injury from Friday's run and I'm ready to hear the gun shot to announce the start of our race.
To make a long story short, I finished the race! My goal was to finish in 90 minutes. I completed the race in 96 minutes with an 15.32 average minute/mile pace. The last mile of the race was my slowest. My injury did start to bother me around the end of the 4th mile but the biggest delay was the number of people. The last mile was packed full of people. The running slowing became a walk and about 1/4 mile from the entrance to the stadium, it became a stand still for a few minutes. My fastest mile was the first - 14.44 and the slowest mile was the last - 17.26. The morale of my race story - work hard this year on getting a faster race time to move up in the wave line up.
I am so impressed in the fun level of the BolderBoulder race was for the runners. The locals came out in full force making each block along the way interesting and fun - just the right added touch to keep you going and energy levels high. There were different bands, costumes, fun games, slip n slides, water stops and magic acts, etc. It was a great time for the serious runner, beginner, families and children. I will defiitely add this race to my "to do" list next year.
This week's workout routine will change slightly due to my 6.2 mile race today. Tomorrow will be a well deserved rest day with mild workouts the remaining days of the week. Run/Walk workouts will be limited to a max of 3 miles and 30 minutes for cross training days. The workouts will increase starting Week #13.
Thanks to everyone for your support these last 12 weeks. We are close to the half way mark for training. Next week I will take my monthly measurements and see if more weight and inches are gone. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday weekend!
Happy Running!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Week #11- Only 7 days Until Race #1
I can't believed I survived Week #10. It was absolutely crazy with different things going on every day of the week. It was my son's last full week of school, baseball games, choir concert and deadlines at work. By the time Friday came along, I was wiped out. It was a week full of early morning workouts and only 6.5 hours of sleep each night. I was definitely feeling very tired at the end of each day. Remember last week I made the comment, "wouldn't it be nice to just have one more hour?" Boy, that was my theme for the entire week. "I wish, I wish, I wish I had just one more hour."
Even with my early morning workouts in Week #10, I was able to stay true to my workout schedule. Week #10 was all about "increase" - workout time, miles and reps. I was on track to run a total of 13 miles in my (3) Run/Walk workout days. The beginning of the week was actually my best minute/mile pace time for the week. I finished my Monday's 3 mile Run/Walk workout with a 15.55 minute / mile pace time. It felt so great to go from 16.33 to 15.55. WHEW!!! The rest of the week's run/walk workouts finished at 15.6 and 16.0. Not too bad considering I had a huge increase in mileage for my workouts. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you set your mind to make it happen.
Tomorrow begins the start of Week #11, and it also marks 7 days until my first race - Bolder Boulder. The nerves haven't set in yet but I'm sure they will before the weekend begins. I'm excited to reach my first race milestone in my training process. This week's training will include the heavier running days at the beginning of the week with the lighter running days at the end of the week. The purpose of the switch in workouts is to not over work my body prior to running a 6 mile race. This will enable me to continue working on getting better with my pace but it will also allow me to not over extend my muscles prior to a long distance race. I have the professionals guiding me through the process so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works.
Week #11 Workouts
Monday - Run / Walk (4 miles)
Tuesday - Cross Training (60 minutes)
Wednesday - Run/Walk (4) miles
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk (3 miles)
Sunday - Rest Day
After starting my blog entry for the week, I had to take a delay in finishing it due to some recent, exciting news. The big news - today my husband and I became grandparents for the first time. We now have a beautiful grand daughter - Joie Valine. She was born this afternoon so with all the excitement, I had to take a break from finishing my Sunday blog entry. Congratulations to the new parents - Ryan & Gypsy.
So here we are, 7 days until the first race day. I'm feeling excited and strong and I'm looking forward to testing my skills and strengths at the Bolder Boulder race. I hope everyone has a great week.
Happy Running!
Even with my early morning workouts in Week #10, I was able to stay true to my workout schedule. Week #10 was all about "increase" - workout time, miles and reps. I was on track to run a total of 13 miles in my (3) Run/Walk workout days. The beginning of the week was actually my best minute/mile pace time for the week. I finished my Monday's 3 mile Run/Walk workout with a 15.55 minute / mile pace time. It felt so great to go from 16.33 to 15.55. WHEW!!! The rest of the week's run/walk workouts finished at 15.6 and 16.0. Not too bad considering I had a huge increase in mileage for my workouts. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you set your mind to make it happen.
Tomorrow begins the start of Week #11, and it also marks 7 days until my first race - Bolder Boulder. The nerves haven't set in yet but I'm sure they will before the weekend begins. I'm excited to reach my first race milestone in my training process. This week's training will include the heavier running days at the beginning of the week with the lighter running days at the end of the week. The purpose of the switch in workouts is to not over work my body prior to running a 6 mile race. This will enable me to continue working on getting better with my pace but it will also allow me to not over extend my muscles prior to a long distance race. I have the professionals guiding me through the process so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works.
Week #11 Workouts
Monday - Run / Walk (4 miles)
Tuesday - Cross Training (60 minutes)
Wednesday - Run/Walk (4) miles
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk (3 miles)
Sunday - Rest Day
After starting my blog entry for the week, I had to take a delay in finishing it due to some recent, exciting news. The big news - today my husband and I became grandparents for the first time. We now have a beautiful grand daughter - Joie Valine. She was born this afternoon so with all the excitement, I had to take a break from finishing my Sunday blog entry. Congratulations to the new parents - Ryan & Gypsy.
So here we are, 7 days until the first race day. I'm feeling excited and strong and I'm looking forward to testing my skills and strengths at the Bolder Boulder race. I hope everyone has a great week.
Happy Running!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet?
I'm so excited about my results from today's workout that I couldn't wait until the end of the week to share the news. Today's workout - 3 miles Run/Walk. Last Saturday, I completed 6 miles with my best time to date - 16.33. This morning - I completed 3 miles with a 15.55 minute/mile pace. OMG!!! This is my best 3 mile time!! I was so shocked, especially since my knees were hurting yesterday and my Monday times are never fast. I was worried that today wouldn't be a good time. My knees were a little sore after my early morning workout but now I'm feeling good. No aches or pains. I think I will give myself (2) GOLD STARS today for my accomplishment. Unbelievable!!!!!
This is a GREAT way to start my Monday!!! I hope your Monday is going well too and full of gold stars!
Happy Running!
This is a GREAT way to start my Monday!!! I hope your Monday is going well too and full of gold stars!
Happy Running!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Welcome to the BIG 10!!

So here we are- getting ready for the Big 10 - Workout Week #10. My Week #9 workouts continued to be tricky with schedules, but this is something that I've been struggling with the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping to get a firm grip on this issue within the next couple of weeks. Here is my thinking--my son's school year is about to come to a close in about 10 days. This will mean - no more 4:30am workout battles, but instead, I can get up an hour later to begin my workout. Strange isn't it? How just one extra hour can make a total difference in your day. How many times have we all said, "I wish I just had more time, just one more hour would make a total difference." Unfortunately, we live by 24 hours per day and not 25, 26, or 27 hours per day. I'm sure if the days were longer we would still find excuses and reasons why we all need just one more hour. However, for me, not having to get up so early to take my son to school for the next 3 months is a "God Sent" and I'm definitely going to take advantage of it.
Week #9 workouts was all about "increase." Not only did my miles increase but I increased my time for each workout. (another obstacle to over come) More time (that I don't have) is now required to complete longer workouts. It was a tough challenge but I was able to complete everything. So I started off the week with a current Run/Mile time of 16.53. My goal each week is to continue to get heathier and hoping my time will get better to put me in a good time to complete the half marathon in 3.5 hours. I'm always hoping to see seconds come off my run time each week. However, I was worried that the 16.53 time would be a tough one to beat this week. Throughout the week, my run time stayed the same until yesterday. Saturday's workout was a 6 mile run/walk workout. A little nervous going into the run but keeping my eye on the end of that tunnel. Good news - I finished in 16.33, bad news, my knees are aching this morning. Hopefully I didn't push the envelope too hard yesterday.
Today is a rest day, so I'm taking advantage of this day and not doing any workouts or long walks to give my knees a rest. It's hard to believe that only 9 weeks ago - my minute / mile time was 25 minutes. Wow!! To think about this for my 6 mile workout - to continue at that time would mean another 60 minutes of a workout - totaling 150 minutes for the workout instead of the 98 minutes. The numbers don't lie and seeing it on paper really makes you aware of the great results that happen with just a little hard work.
Week #10 workouts will continue to be about "increasing." Week #9 was suppose to be the first week of outdoor training. However, due to extremely bad weather, I decide to stay indoors and not risk getting sick, which in turn could decrease and effect my workouts. This week, I am going to attempt moving to outdoor workouts. (keeping my fingers crossed for good weather)
Week #10 Workout Schedule
Monday - Run/Walk (3 miles)
Tuesday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Wednesday - Run / Walk (4 miles)
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk (6 miles)
This past week, we say good bye to single digit week numbers (1-9) and hello to "double digits." (10+) The changing of the numbers makes me think of my son when he turned 10 years old. He was so excited because his age was no longer just one number but instead he now had (2) numbers for his age. A big step for a child and a big step for my workout journey.
I hope everyone stays dry and has a great week. It's the month of May - a month of rebirth-- everything is growing and blooming.
Happy Running!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!! Hello Week #9!
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there. You are the world's best mother!! We are very grateful for everything that moms do. Without the moms - the world would not be the same. I have the best husband in the world. For mother's day, he gave me a dozen red roses, new dry fit running socks and a water belt for my upcoming race. Perfect and thoughtful gifts. He is just the best!!
Today is Sunday, rest day!! Thank goodness! My weekend has been spent at my son's baseball tournament in Fort Collins. His team did a GREAT job this weekend. My running workouts struggled this weekend due to our baseball schedule. With having to leave each morning by 6:30am, it was impossible to get in a decent workout, especially with not arriving back home until the early evening. So unfortunately, no running workouts this weekend. However, I will say that I did get in some exercise even at a baseball field. The trick isn't the where but the how. With fields and fields everywhere, this is the prime opportunity for good brisk walks. Yesterday I took 20-30 brisk walks between baseball games. This not only got my heart and blood flowing but it also allowed me to still get in some type of exercise and workout even if I wasn't at home running. I took about (3) different walks throughout the day on Saturday. At my current minute/mile pace, this is a little over 4 miles for my workout. Not too bad for being at a baseball tournament all weekend. The final games were today. The team lost the 2nd game but still finished at the top of the pack. As a mother, I'm so proud of my son. He played awesome and even won the MVP / Sportsman Award from another team's coach.
Last week was a big challenge with my workouts. I moved my workouts to the late afternoons. I was noticing that I wasn't getting enough sleep with my morning workouts. I was only averaging about 6 1/2 hours of sleep with a 4:30am workout time. I was struggling to find energy after 2pm. I needed to find a way to get more energy, especially since my day doesn't end until 10:00pm. Changing my workout times is working because my minute per mile pace went from 16.75 to 16.33. Wow! Who would have thought that changing your workout could have a great effect on your running time.
So with baseball done for another weekend, it is onto Week #9 workout. This week I will continue to do my workouts in the late afternoons. I think I will get better results and performance even though afternoon workouts can be a challenge time wise. This week it is about daily increases. Each day will increase in time and distance. This is going to be a tough and challenging week.
Week #9 Workout
Monday - Run/Walk = 2 miles
Tuesday - Cross Training = 45 minutes
Wednesday - Run/Walk = 4 miles
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training = 60 minutes
Saturday - Run/Walk = 6 miles
My goal this week is to cut another 20 seconds from my time. This might be a big step but I'm willing to take the challenge. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Trainer Tip: This week I learned a great tip. I found this tip from Kendrick on the Run Like a Diva Facebook site. Here is the tip: Lemon up!! Lemons shrink fat cells so use it up whenever you can...good trick... squeeze some lemons and freeze in an ice cube trays. Now you can have some lemon without the hassle of cutting up lemons everytime you grab a drink. Drink up.. and fight fat!!
Today is Sunday, rest day!! Thank goodness! My weekend has been spent at my son's baseball tournament in Fort Collins. His team did a GREAT job this weekend. My running workouts struggled this weekend due to our baseball schedule. With having to leave each morning by 6:30am, it was impossible to get in a decent workout, especially with not arriving back home until the early evening. So unfortunately, no running workouts this weekend. However, I will say that I did get in some exercise even at a baseball field. The trick isn't the where but the how. With fields and fields everywhere, this is the prime opportunity for good brisk walks. Yesterday I took 20-30 brisk walks between baseball games. This not only got my heart and blood flowing but it also allowed me to still get in some type of exercise and workout even if I wasn't at home running. I took about (3) different walks throughout the day on Saturday. At my current minute/mile pace, this is a little over 4 miles for my workout. Not too bad for being at a baseball tournament all weekend. The final games were today. The team lost the 2nd game but still finished at the top of the pack. As a mother, I'm so proud of my son. He played awesome and even won the MVP / Sportsman Award from another team's coach.

So with baseball done for another weekend, it is onto Week #9 workout. This week I will continue to do my workouts in the late afternoons. I think I will get better results and performance even though afternoon workouts can be a challenge time wise. This week it is about daily increases. Each day will increase in time and distance. This is going to be a tough and challenging week.
Week #9 Workout
Monday - Run/Walk = 2 miles
Tuesday - Cross Training = 45 minutes
Wednesday - Run/Walk = 4 miles
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training = 60 minutes
Saturday - Run/Walk = 6 miles
My goal this week is to cut another 20 seconds from my time. This might be a big step but I'm willing to take the challenge. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Have a great week!
Happy Running!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Week Seven Becomes a "Sore Week"
Week #7 has been tagged the "sore week." I'm definitely feeling more sore this week than any other week of the training. Perhaps the increased soreness is because I'm pushing myself harder during my training days. This week, I increased the speed on the treadmill. For the last 6 weeks, I've been at a lower steady pace so that I can increase my lungs and breathing during running. This week, I increased my speed slightly so that I can begin to better my minute/mile pace.
This week, my best Run/Walk minute/mile pace time was 16.75. This is a little over 30 seconds better pace time than last week. I still have my eyes set on a 12-13 minute/mile pace time for the half marathon race. I have 111 days left to complete this task. I also increased my weights this week during my cross training days. I not only added an additional 15 minutes to my weight lifting but I also increased the level of weights. I've added squats, kettlebells, and a workout hula hoop. The increase in weights has caused my thighs and arms to feel more tender this week than past weeks. Just an any training program has it ups and downs, the soreness..... this too will pass.
So it hasn't necessarily been a tough workout week, but a sore week. Today was suppose to be a rest day but instead I opted to do a 2-mile brisk walk. I thought that a nice walk would do me some good and help keep my muscles going and not get stiff. I'm actually happy I did the walk this morning. I feel great and my soreness is decreasing.
Week #8 begins tomorrow. This will be my last week of training indoors. Week #9 training begins with my Run/Walk training outside. Week #8 training will be the same as Week #7 ---- 3 days of 3-mile Run/Walk workouts with 2-days of cross training.
Weeky #7 Workout Schedule
Monday - Run/Walk 3-miles
Tuesday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Wednesday - Run/Walk 3 miles
Thursday - REST DAY
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk 5 miles
Sunday - REST DAY
I hope everyone had a great week. It is hard to believe that we are now in the month of May. I'm so looking forward to the weather getting nice so I can spend more time outdoors.
Happy Running!
This week, my best Run/Walk minute/mile pace time was 16.75. This is a little over 30 seconds better pace time than last week. I still have my eyes set on a 12-13 minute/mile pace time for the half marathon race. I have 111 days left to complete this task. I also increased my weights this week during my cross training days. I not only added an additional 15 minutes to my weight lifting but I also increased the level of weights. I've added squats, kettlebells, and a workout hula hoop. The increase in weights has caused my thighs and arms to feel more tender this week than past weeks. Just an any training program has it ups and downs, the soreness..... this too will pass.
So it hasn't necessarily been a tough workout week, but a sore week. Today was suppose to be a rest day but instead I opted to do a 2-mile brisk walk. I thought that a nice walk would do me some good and help keep my muscles going and not get stiff. I'm actually happy I did the walk this morning. I feel great and my soreness is decreasing.
Week #8 begins tomorrow. This will be my last week of training indoors. Week #9 training begins with my Run/Walk training outside. Week #8 training will be the same as Week #7 ---- 3 days of 3-mile Run/Walk workouts with 2-days of cross training.
Weeky #7 Workout Schedule
Monday - Run/Walk 3-miles
Tuesday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Wednesday - Run/Walk 3 miles
Thursday - REST DAY
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk 5 miles
Sunday - REST DAY
I hope everyone had a great week. It is hard to believe that we are now in the month of May. I'm so looking forward to the weather getting nice so I can spend more time outdoors.
Happy Running!
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