So here we are- getting ready for the Big 10 - Workout Week #10. My Week #9 workouts continued to be tricky with schedules, but this is something that I've been struggling with the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping to get a firm grip on this issue within the next couple of weeks. Here is my thinking--my son's school year is about to come to a close in about 10 days. This will mean - no more 4:30am workout battles, but instead, I can get up an hour later to begin my workout. Strange isn't it? How just one extra hour can make a total difference in your day. How many times have we all said, "I wish I just had more time, just one more hour would make a total difference." Unfortunately, we live by 24 hours per day and not 25, 26, or 27 hours per day. I'm sure if the days were longer we would still find excuses and reasons why we all need just one more hour. However, for me, not having to get up so early to take my son to school for the next 3 months is a "God Sent" and I'm definitely going to take advantage of it.
Week #9 workouts was all about "increase." Not only did my miles increase but I increased my time for each workout. (another obstacle to over come) More time (that I don't have) is now required to complete longer workouts. It was a tough challenge but I was able to complete everything. So I started off the week with a current Run/Mile time of 16.53. My goal each week is to continue to get heathier and hoping my time will get better to put me in a good time to complete the half marathon in 3.5 hours. I'm always hoping to see seconds come off my run time each week. However, I was worried that the 16.53 time would be a tough one to beat this week. Throughout the week, my run time stayed the same until yesterday. Saturday's workout was a 6 mile run/walk workout. A little nervous going into the run but keeping my eye on the end of that tunnel. Good news - I finished in 16.33, bad news, my knees are aching this morning. Hopefully I didn't push the envelope too hard yesterday.
Today is a rest day, so I'm taking advantage of this day and not doing any workouts or long walks to give my knees a rest. It's hard to believe that only 9 weeks ago - my minute / mile time was 25 minutes. Wow!! To think about this for my 6 mile workout - to continue at that time would mean another 60 minutes of a workout - totaling 150 minutes for the workout instead of the 98 minutes. The numbers don't lie and seeing it on paper really makes you aware of the great results that happen with just a little hard work.
Week #10 workouts will continue to be about "increasing." Week #9 was suppose to be the first week of outdoor training. However, due to extremely bad weather, I decide to stay indoors and not risk getting sick, which in turn could decrease and effect my workouts. This week, I am going to attempt moving to outdoor workouts. (keeping my fingers crossed for good weather)
Week #10 Workout Schedule
Monday - Run/Walk (3 miles)
Tuesday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Wednesday - Run / Walk (4 miles)
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training (45 minutes)
Saturday - Run/Walk (6 miles)
This past week, we say good bye to single digit week numbers (1-9) and hello to "double digits." (10+) The changing of the numbers makes me think of my son when he turned 10 years old. He was so excited because his age was no longer just one number but instead he now had (2) numbers for his age. A big step for a child and a big step for my workout journey.
I hope everyone stays dry and has a great week. It's the month of May - a month of rebirth-- everything is growing and blooming.
Happy Running!
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