Today is the
FIRST day of my new healthy life. "Firsts" are never easy and always the biggest hurdle to overcome when you start a project--especially an exercise project. So when the alarm went off at 4:30am, the
FIRST thing I said was, "OMG, is it time to get up already?" After hitting the snooze button a couple of times, I finally got out of bed and begin getting ready for my
FIRST workout. My workout went great. I am definitely out of shape and this is going to take some time - good thing I have 5 months to get ready.
My workout today was 45 minutes of run / walk workout. (See below for more details about the workout) I feel more awake and energetic this morning than compared to other mornings of no workout and just waking up and then immediately getting ready for work. No aches and pains yet but I now this is happen very soon. Running grocery list - definitely need a new pair of socks. Need a sock that is thicker and better for running then just daily walking. (Thanks Cousin Doug for the great tips on the socks).
How Does This Work?
Each morning I will add something newabout my workouts to my blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. I'm hoping that something from my journey will inspire someone else to get healthy along the way. Iwill trackmy exercise and body stats on a weekly basis and will make a stats post on my blog each Monday. If you are like me, you need to see actual results to know that something is working. I don't want the frustration of looking at my weight every day because I already see it everyday in the mirror, so I will only weight myself once a week - every Monday and I will make a post on my blog about my stats. Once a month, I will do a body mass count andtake measurements of different areas of my body andsee if the inches are melting away. Iam ona 1800-2100 calorie per day diet- eatting lots of protien, fruits and vegtables with limited starches and carbs.
Workout Plan
For the next two weeks, my workout remains the same so that I can getboth my lungs and legs in shape to add long term running into my exercise plan. The plan is a 5-day workout schedule with (2) days of rest.
Monday - Run / Walk
Tuesday - Cross Training
Wednesday - Run / Walk
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Cross Training
Saturday - Run / Walk
Sunday - Rest
Run/ Walk Program (45 minutes)
* Warm up by walking 5 minutes at an easy pace
* Main workout - run at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes followed by 2 minutes of walking at a brisk pace. Repeat this 7 times.
* Cool down with 5 minutes of easy walking
Cross Training (30-45 minutes)
* Includes any activity that is non running or walking. (cycling, swimming, Pilates, aerobics, yoga, strength training, elliptical trainer and spinning)
* Follow up with 15 minutes of strength training (weights, push ups, sit ups)
Rest Days
* Technically you are suppose to use this as a full rest day with no exercise, however, light walks are allowed. No running allowed on rest days.
So there it is. Everything is planned for my next 2-weeks of training. If you are interested in taking a look at the excel spreadsheet that I created to document my workout and body stats - send me an email at and I will be happy to send the file to you.
Thanks for your support and Happy Monday!