Monday, June 27, 2011

Week #16 - I'm still here!!

Hello Everyone!
Did you miss me? Things have been ABSOLUTELY crazy around my house the past few weeks.  It has been so crazy and busy, that I've been tardy on my blog. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I'm back now and ready to go.  Where do I begin?  So the last time we chatted, I had just completed the Bolder Boulder race.  What a day and what a week. It seems like since that race things have become chaotic and out of control.  As you know, my 13 year old son plays competitive baseball.  His baseball schedule took over my schedule the last few weeks.  I will say that I was able to sneak in my workouts, but the down side is, I was only able to do 3-4 day per week instead of my 5 days per week.  The crazy schedule and lack of workouts began to take its toll on me.  I was feeling so stressed with work, home, baseball, and workouts that I began to feel like I was sabotaging my workouts.  For the first couple of weeks, the stress was overwhelming and I didn't loose any weight or inches.  I think my body was going into survival mode with the long hours, strange eating schedule and lack of full workouts.  It's amazing how your body reacts to stress and  schedule changes to your daily routine.  These last few weeks have DEFINITELY been a learning experience for me and my workouts.  All I can do is chalk it up to a learning experience and move on.  This is what I am doing - moving forward with a full week of workouts and making time for "ME" to make this happen.

Even with these issues the last couple of weeks, my goal is to run the half marathon the end of August. The set backs the last few weeks has just pushed me harder to make the best of each workout and to continue getting stronger and faster.  Today I took my measurements to see how well I'm doing with loss of weight and inches. To date - I've lost 24lbs and 13 inches.  To be honest, I was hoping these numbers would be better.  In reality, this isn't too bad considering the the stress that my body had to overcome in the last 3 weeks. 

So the good news, baseball is almost over and I've started back to my regular workouts each week.   The bad news, I only have 54 days left to get ready to take on 13.1 miles.  The last couple of weeks, I've been increasing my running miles each week.  Even though I wasn't able to get in all 5 workouts per week, the workouts I did get to complete - I took advantage of my time and ran the full distance.  I was averaging about 10-13 miles per week.  My workout days that took the big hit was my cross training days. 

This week is all about going the distance and completing all five workouts - 3 running days / 2 cross training days. 

Week #16 Workout Schedule
Monday - Run / Walk 4 miles
Tuesday - Cross Training - 45 minutes
Wednesday - Run / Walk - 5 miles
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Cross Training - 60 minutes
Saturday - Run/Walk 6 miles

Thanks to everyone for your support and emails.  I know many people were concerned about me when they didn't see my weekly post on the blog.  Now you know my story and all I can say is, "the last few weeks were a blurr and in the past.  The time has come to get serious and I'm going to push myself with each daily workout so I am fully ready in 54 days."

Happy Running!

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