Monday, May 30, 2011

Week #12 - I did it!!

Happy Memorial Day!!!  I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday.  My holiday began very early this morning.  It's the morning of the BolderBoulder 10k Race.  I can't believe it, I made it to my first race day.  Coming to this day wasn't easy. I ran into a major set back after my run on Friday.  I will admit  that I over pushed myself too close to race day.  I ran 3 miles on Friday and that was just too much so close to a long race.  To make a long story short, I pulled my hammy on the back of my right leg.  It wasn't good.  Saturday I was very sore and loaded up on asprin and Icy Hot.  I was so sure that I had ruined my chance to run on Monday.  As Sunday came along, the pain and muscle tightness had decreased and I decided that I was going to move forward and run the race. 

My morning began at 6am.  My husband went with me to the race to be my support on the sidelines.  We opted out of driving to Boulder and the painful task of finding a parking spot. Instead, we bought race bus tickets. The bus picked us up in Longmont, dropped us off 3 blocks from the start line and picked us up post race- 3 blocks from the finish line.  This is so easy!!! I don't know why more people don't take the bus.

This year's race had 91 start waves. I was half way in the pack of waves - NA group with a start time 8:45am.  As we all know, things rarely start on time. This was the case with my wave.  After getting in my wave line headed to the start line, I noticed we were about 6 minute behind our original start time.  I'm feeling great despite my injury from Friday's run and I'm ready to hear the gun shot to announce the start of our race. 

To make a long story short, I finished the race!  My goal was to finish in 90 minutes.  I completed the race in 96 minutes with an 15.32 average minute/mile pace.  The last mile of the race was my slowest.  My injury did start to bother me around the end of the 4th mile but the biggest delay was the number of people.  The last mile was packed full of people.  The running slowing became a walk and about 1/4 mile from the entrance to the stadium, it became a stand still for a few minutes.   My fastest mile was the first - 14.44 and the slowest mile was the last - 17.26.  The morale of my race story - work hard this year on getting a faster race time to move up in the wave line up.

I am so impressed in the fun level of the BolderBoulder race was for the runners. The locals came out in full force making each block along the way interesting and fun - just the right added touch to keep you going and energy levels high.  There were different bands, costumes, fun games, slip n slides, water stops and magic acts, etc.  It was a great time for the serious runner, beginner, families and children.  I will defiitely add this race to my "to do" list next year.

This week's workout routine will change slightly due to my 6.2 mile race today.  Tomorrow will be a well deserved rest day with mild workouts the remaining days of the week.  Run/Walk workouts will be limited to a max of 3 miles and 30 minutes for cross training days.  The workouts will increase starting Week #13.

Thanks to everyone for your support these last 12 weeks.  We are close to the half way mark for training.  Next week I will take my monthly measurements and see if more weight and inches are gone.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday weekend!

Happy Running!

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