Sunday, April 17, 2011

End of Week #5 / Day 35 - Not a good week!

It's the end of Week #5 and all I can say is "my feet are killing me."  This entire week I was out of town working a tradeshow for my employer.   Long booth hours and standing on my feet for 12 hours at a time are not good when you are training for a race.  I must say my calves got a great workout but my feet were really sore - too sore and swollen to run.  Even after wearing comfortable shoes in the tradeshow booth all day, I still had issues with my feet.  I attempted a run on the 2nd day but the pounding on the treadmill really took a toll on my feet.  So needless to say, I didn't get any running completed during Week #5 but instead I just did 1-2 mile walks.  I'm still trying to find that "Happy Medium" between traveling and running workouts.   The good news is that I'm not scheduled to travel again until the beginning of July. 

I'm really bummed and feel like I lost a whole week of training due to my feet.  I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself and just take each week as it comes.  I've been doing some reading about preparing for a race and it appears that I'm not the only "first time racer" that's had issues with their feet. It appears to be a phase that all first time runners go through during their training process.  So for me, my issues have been 1) wrong shoes and 2) standing for too long without movement in my feet.  I fixed the shoe issue a couple of weeks ago and now I just need to remember to keep movement in my feet at all times.  All I can do is take this as a learning lesson and move forward with a new week. 

Today is Sunday, Day #35 in my training and it also happens to be a rest day.  In attempts to keep body & feet from getting stiff, I did 15 minutes of stretching this moring and then went on a 2 mile light walk.   I don't want to be stiff for my run tomorrow morning.

Quote for the Day:
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."  Confucius

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Happy Running!

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